MRT Files Eraser is a very small and useful tool to remove files permanently from your Windows computer system. Sometimes we need to delete/destroy or permanently shred files from our computers. We want this in order to wipe up free space or to erase traces of deleted yet recoverable sensitive data. Removing files permanently becomes very easy with the MRT Files Eraser utility. This program has a very simple Interface with only three buttons. The first one is the "add files" button, the second - "clear the list", and the third - "delete files". The size of the application is just about 656 KB which makes it easy to download and install. The simple interface makes the task of erasing files a breeze for the users. The users just need to browse to the target file to be deleted and press the 'delete files' button. MRT Files Eraser is compatible with almost all presently used versions of Microsoft Windows such as Microsoft XP, Vista and even Windows 7. This utility is a complete freeware which means that it will not bother its users with trial period expiration issues, limited functionalities or annoying nag screens.